Tripping: Anthology of true-life psychedelic adventures $42.00
A brilliant book! Charles Hayes has gathered 50 narratives
about unforgettable psychedelic experiences from an
international array of subjects representing all walks of life.
Tripping also features a conversation with the late Terence
"The best collection of psychedelic travelers' tales that I have
read in a long, long time.
It should be in the knapsack of anyone contemplating passage
through what Aldous Huxley called the 'reducing valve' of normal
consciousness-and out into the great beyond." -Jay Stevens,
author of Storming Heaven
Little book of Ketamine by Kit Kelly $30.95
Ketamine, also called K, Special K, Ket & Kit Kat, causes bizarre
experiences unlike any other psychedelic drug. The little book of
Ketamine describes the recreational & spiritual use of Ketamine
including: What K is, and how it is used, how K affects the brain,
hallucinations, near-death and out-of-body experiences, spiritual
enlightenment through K & afterlife experiences, dosages,
administration & safety precautions, accounts of K-trips by
experienced users, how it feels to go to K-land & Ketamine & the
Also available Little book of acid & little book of Heroin.
How to stop time: Heroin from A-Z By Anne Marlow $31.95
A true story about the life of a women, successful on Wall Street
and as a music critic in the Alternative music press. She was
also a Heroin user and in this book she dismantles cliched
notions of heroin chic & Junkie wretchedness taking readers
beyond the drug's mystique on an intense journey of the soul.
Marijuana A Grower's Lot by Kog $55.00
This book is both unique and amazing, it tells the tale of Kog an Australian who grew marijuana for fun and profit, was caught and spent time in Grafton prison. In this beautiful hardback book Kog tells us in his natural colourful language how to avoid the main dangers of marijuana use & cultivation (getting caught) and includes many colour photos. This is a beautiful book & essential for anyone interested in horticulture and pro-legalisation in Australia
Marijuana Reconsidered by Lester Grinspoon, M.D. $45
The most thorough evaluation of the benefits & dangers of cannabis. Today, as the issue of legalising marijuana is being reconsidered, this book offers what has been widely acclaimed as the most comprehensive assessment of marijuana and it's role in society, a superbly researched book.
Marijuana question? ask Ed: The encyclopedia of marijuana 43.95
Ed Rosenthal was the (in) famous High Times editor & columnist whose expert advice has been used by millions of gardeners. This is the long-awaited compilation of his column "Ask Ed" and has answered every conceivable question regarding marijuana cultivation, indoors & out.
Cannabis Culture: Marijuana & hemp around the world $11.95
This great pro-pot magazine from Canada has just launched the first edition of the Australia/NZ edition. Home of Mark Emery direct seed sales CC has always spoken out against the injustices of the U.S. driven Drug War and helped people caught by unfair laws. Earlier this year they sent PolyEster Books free magazines after they heard that Police had confiscated copies of Cannabis Culture. Ed Rosenthal's grower's column now has a new home in CC.
Hashish: A guide for recreational & medicinal hashish users, buyers, hashish makers & researchers $65.95
Rob Clarke, Author of Marijuana Botany illuminates the world of hashish from growing the marijuana plant to collecting it's valuable resin and making hashish, a concentrated form of marijuana's active ingredients. His serious study demystifies hashish and debunks long-held misconceptions. Clarke traces the history of hashish and surveys both ancient & contemporary hash-using cultures.
Marijuana herbal cookbook: Recipes for recreation & health $21.95
When eaten, marijuana can be both a potent medicine and a true psychedelic drug. This book tells how underground cooks prepare this herb in a safe conscientious way. and contains the most accurate up to date information on cooking with cannabis with more than 50 mind-bending tasty recipes using marijuana.
Marijuana grower's insider's guide by Mel Frank $45
This is an excellent, easy to understand guide to proven results for both experienced and novice gardeners. Whether you are interested in recent innovations in horticultural techniques, or in maximising THC content; need pointers on how to keep rats from chewing on your plant or. if you're just curious as to how this multi-billion dollar a year cash crop is cultivated, all the answers are here in the Marijuana grower's insider's guide.
High Times: Celebrating the counter culture $13.95
The grandaddy of pro-pot publications, after over 3 decades of publishing, High Times is still relevant and an essential read. In between cultivation tips the latest issue has drug war stories from the front lines, the murder by the FBI of besting selling author of 'Ain't no body's business if you do' Peter McWilliams, a piece by Paul Krassner on Abbie Hoffman, scary Pot stories and heaps of reviews of books and CD's worth checking out.